About SeabrightUK
Hi, I'm Alison, the jeweller behind SeabrightUK.
My jewellery covers many styles and types - I am constantly inspired by new ideas, things I have seen, both man-made and natural.
What is consistent is my aim to re-use and recycle.
- All my silver and gold is 100% recycled, not newly mined.
- All my pearls are re-used and refurbished. No oyster has died recently for me!
- 95%+ of all my gemstones and gemstone beads are also re-used and refurbished, so again, no new mining, other than in the rare occasions where I need something specific to complete a piece
And it's the same with any "leftovers" and my packaging
- Off cuts of silver and gold are either melted down by me for re-use or sent to the refiners to be cleaned up and re-used
- All my filing dust, used polishing clothes and sand papers are sent to the refiners to have the precious metals re-claimed and recycled
- My presentation tins are aluminium and designed for you to be able to re-use or put in your household recycling and the packaging material is shredded out of date maps or similar - again, just add to your recycling
So, while jewellery isn't exactly an essential (although I would be prepared to argue that point!) feeling good and sparkly is, and doing that with minimal impact can only be a good thing.